1. We always begin brushing our teeth in the same location.
We focus mostly on the teeth that are cleaned initially when we consistently begin brushing in the same spot. We tend to grow bored by the time we get to brushing our last set of teeth, so we don't pay much attention to them. To clean teeth more equally, dentists advise against developing a brushing routine and always starting with a new tooth.
2. Rather than exercising, we wash our faces after.
Washing is more crucial, according to experts, before working out. You won't have to worry about your skin's cleanliness after working out if you wash off any makeup or grime beforehand. If you don't, you run the danger of clogging your pores, therefore it's best to avoid wiping your face after exercising. Just gently blotting the skin with a cotton towel will do.
3. We removed damp nails.
Cutting wet nails may look simpler since they are softer than dry ones. However, this approach actually causes additional problems since the nails flex and the wound becomes torn. Nail edges that are uneven might stick to clothes and cause harm to both. It is therefore preferable to trim your nails when they are completely dried.
4. We depend on wet wipes' efficiency.
Wipes that are antibacterial do eliminate germs, but only on clean hands. The alcohol in the wipes won't be able to enter the skin if it is coated with grime or oil. In this situation, regular hand cleaning is more dependable.
Baby wipes don't have nearly enough alcohol in them to get rid of germs and viruses.
5. Following a shower, we overdry our bodies.
When you get out of the shower, experts advise against wiping yourself dry. A towel is used to remove the skin's protective dead cells. The best alternative to rubbing the skin dry is to either wait for it to dry naturally or gently pat it dry with a towel.
6. Both our pads and tampons are perfumed.
Sensitive skin can develop as a result of scented feminine hygiene products disrupting the skin's pH equilibrium. It is important to choose hygiene products without added chemicals, such as scents.
7. We overuse toothpaste.
Dentists differ on the idea that using more toothpaste is beneficial for our teeth. Children who use a lot of toothpaste when brushing their teeth may develop fluorosis. This is the result of excessive fluoride harming the enamel, which can age teeth and make them more vulnerable to decay.
Most youngsters are affected by fluorosis. Enamel can still be weakened by using excessive amounts of toothpaste with abrasive particles and vigorous brushing. If you use toothpaste in pea-sized quantities after each usage, you can prevent all of these problems.
8. We regularly use the same deodorant.
Antiperspirants cause our bodies to adapt over time. They stop combating offensive scents if we only occasionally replace them. A brand-neutral antiperspirant should thus be used on occasion.
9. We wash the outside of our ears but not the inside.
Cleaning your ears is never a good idea. However, if excessive earwax production occurs, which can cause pain or hearing loss, it is best to see a doctor who will perform the required operations.
At the same time, even if it's advised to do so frequently, we frequently neglect to clean the area behind our ears. If we don't do this, our skin may start to smell bad. You must regularly cleanse the region behind the ears with soap and water to avoid this from occurring.