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Why Children Cry: 6 Causes and Solutions

  1. Your child is testing their decibels out.

Screams and peaks between the ages of 18 months and a few years. Babies test how loud they will be because it is something new they have learned. For them, it is a new energy that has a place to stop everyone around and make them look.

2. Your child is seeking attention.

Your child throwing a temper tantrum could simply be seeking attention. When kids want your undivided attention, they're going to do anything in their power to urge it, and they learn that screaming may be a very effective way of achieving that.

Tip #2: Learn when to ignore this behavior. Ignoring is that most useful for behaviors where nothing is physically wrong like whining and tantrums. Learning to ignore attention-seeking can sometimes make it less likely that your child will roll in the hay again.

3. Your child is full of energy.

Often when children shout that it is the result of a game they are playing alone or with other children and therefore the amount of energy they have can be tons. That kind of shouting is healthy and normal, they learn to be thankful to express the happy and unhappy feelings they have while playing with their friends, and their shouts can have different meanings. Depends on the tone and tone of voice.

Tip 3: Reward them for good deeds. This is often the only way to teach them, thankfully, to do the right thing.

How do I influence the comfort and shouting of your child? Share your thoughts and ideas with current and future parents because we all need this help at the same time.

4. Your child is uncomfortable or anxious.

Another reason toddlers can make mistakes in this way may be that they are uncomfortable or anxious in certain situations, or when they find themselves in a new and unfamiliar environment it will be annoying, it will be cramped. With other strangers or it is not that they are not a reception area where they will play freely and be surrounded by their favorite toys that make them irritable. This is often the reason we often hear children crying in crowded areas such as restaurants, airplanes, and other places.

Tip 4: Disturb them. Giving them something elsewhere they have that they could not have, or offering alternative activities such as singing songs can be great because of their short duration.

5. Your child is expressing anger, tiredness, or hunger.

Another reason for that screaming or screeching might be as simple as hunger, being tired, or being angry at something. for instance, when your kid can’t get something they need, a meltdown begins. they're still very young and don’t have the skills to affect frustration or the way to show patience and understanding, those are skills that are developed later in their life.

6. Your child is communicating with you.

When your child is learning to talk to you and you can not understand them, they will scream. That is the only thank you that makes their parents realize that something is wrong or a minimum of speculation until they have guessed correctly.

Tip 6: Turn it into a game. If you are in a quiet place like home, you will gamble and see who is the strongest in the short span of your time, then see who can whisper the quietest.

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